Harry Lozada & Arko

Bob Conklin & Harry Lozada





After enjoying our own healthy obedient pets, and training over several years, it was time to develop USA K9 and share the knowledge acquired so others will experience the same rewards. I have trained various breeds of dog, all with unique personalities and temperaments.

To stay current in training techniques, I attended the 4-week trainer’s course held by Veteran and Master Trainer, Bob Conklin of Hudson Valley K9 Academy. The HVK9A 4-week course was extended to 6 weeks, 6 days a week. Training took place at the HVK9A Kennels and the Middletown Humane Society. This intense course requires the handler to have an all “hands on experience” during the entire course while working with various breeds, temperaments and size dogs. This certification helps surpass other trainers that are guessing what they should do with your pet or use heavy hand techniques to train.

The techniques and knowledge gained from this course have helped solve many of the issues created by bribing with food, poor handling skills, compulsive training techniques and have helped me coach others to pass AKC CD and Rally obedience competitions. Using these techniques, I placed 1st with Arko in AKC CD obedience competition, obtained Arko’s Canine Good Citizen certification, and Therapy Dog International certification. We have visited local nursing homes with Arko as part of a weekly pet therapy program for alzheimers and elderly patients.

Training is not about how hard you can correct your dog, or bribing them with excessive calorie treats. Understanding the energy you release, proper techniques, giving your dog the opportunity to think, and keeping a bond are crucial when developing a clear understanding between you and your canine.

We provide our clients with the skill needed to continue educating their dogs while forming a lasting bond and eliminating stress created through outdated and old fashion techniques. Our techniques teach your canine friend to work close to you while dissolving the confusion created by poor every day routines. Quality is not developed over night. Time, patience and the proper techniques can lead to an ever-lasting investment in you pet.


Bob Conklin & Harry Lozada

Harry, Xano & Kilo

HVK9 Neiko's Brother Crugar & Harry





The success from the HVK9A Trainers Obedience Course has been outstanding. To further meet our customers demands, I took the HVK9A Trainers Protection Course. During the 4-week protection course, Master Trainer Bob Conklin had me join in his ongoing Trainers Obedience Course. It was a great refresher to make sure bad habits or deviations on the techniques were not developed.

Bob Conklin set the Trainers Protection Course up to have me build pray drive in puppies and young adults along with teaching the foundation of bite work. Bob teaches the safety in handling and building dogs at this level so nobody including the dogs gets hurt. The course had me working with beginner dogs, experienced dogs, highly advanced level 3 dogs, dogs working in pray drive, defense drive, and fight drive. There were extensive lessons on decoy work including how to catch beginner and advance dogs, what point to out the dog, and how to keep building a protection dogs confidence.

The skills learned in the HVK9A course are based on Government/Police training, Schutzhund, and some French Ring techniques. All of which Bob Conklin has a working background in. The combination of these techniques make this course and phenomenal course for those seeking handler skill, trainer skills, or looking to get their dogs protection trained.
Working the dogs in the HVK9A Trainers Protection course gives handlers a tremendous amount on experience in reading dogs behavior, learning the point of avoidance in any type of training, and building a confident dog with out corporal punishment or threatening techniques.

The course also included, training on performing building searches for suspects, long line, and off leash attacks. All without building a lunatic, out of control dog. The dogs involved and I, were taught to react based on the owner being physically attacked and not other discrepancy around the dog and owner.

The friendship built in this course has led us to a working relationship where I train at HVK9 Academy on Saturdays. You will find more information under the training section of our Training page.

For more on Master Trainer Bob Conklin, his working line German Shepherds or getting your dog trained in behavior modification, obedience, protection, scent detection, agility, and tracking, in the up state NY region, visit

Hudson Valley K9 Academy
Bob Conklin
361 Howell Street Pine Bush, NY 12566
HVK9.com : (845)-361-3647 : info@hvk9.com

Harry : Bob : Kilo













Along with the HVK9A handler’s course, I successful ran an in home pet sitting program for many years. The program involved pet sitting one dog at a time in my home allowing me to access breed and social behaviors of various dogs. The guest dogs lived with my pack. They interacted with my family and dogs in a controlled environment. This allowed me to gain further knowledge of dog behavior. The ages of the dogs that vacationed with us were from 16 week old puppies to 14 years old seniors and had temperaments with a range of, shy, submissive urinating, confident, no confident, fearful, untrained, multiple levels of aggression, bluffers, serious pack leaders, weak pack leaders and fun loving. The breeds we pet sat ranged from 3 lb Chihuahua, Poodles and Yorkies to 200 lbs plus, Mastiffs, Great Danes and mix breeds.

Our training and pet sitting business grew to the point where I had to make a decision so that the quality and attention clients received did not suffer. To balance this, the only dogs being accepted in home are dogs I have trained and dogs attending the IN-HOUSE BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION OR IN-HOUSE OBEDIENCE PROGRAM.


AKC CGC Evaluator



AKC's Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Evaluator
Adding to the above credentials, I am an active AKC's Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Evaluator and can certify your dog as an AKCCanine Good Citizen.


TDI Evaluator



TDI Therapy Dog International Evaluator
Adding to the above credentials, I am an active TDI Therapy Dog International Evaluator and can certify your dog as a TDI Therapy Dog.




July 8th 2004 | Guest Appearance

Woodbury Parks & Recreation Center. The demo was done for over one hundred guests. Harry and Arko performed obedience work that was followed up by Bob and Kilo obedience and protection work.



Harry and Arko decided to have a little fun February 5th. 2005. Arko passed his CGC & TDI certifications.


























































To earn Arko's CD title, Harry and Arko competed on February 19th 2005 at the Jim Rau Dog Show sponsored by the Staten Island Companion Dog Training Club. The Novice Class had 28 competitors. Harry and Arko came in 1st place with a score of 195 out of 200 and also took home the prize for the highest scoring German Shepherd.

The 2nd competition was held on February 20th, also a Jim Rau Dog Show, sponsored by the Bayshore Champion Dog Club. This class had 27 competitors and Harry and Arko placed second with a score of 190.5 out of 200 and again took home the prize for the highest scoring German Shepherd.

The 3rd competition of the CD title was held by the New Brunswick Kennel Club, INC. It was the 52nd All-Breed Dog Show and Obedience Trial. This competition had 17 competitors, Harry and Arko placed 2nd with a score of 195 out of 200 points.

Novice A 1st Leg
February 19th, 2005
Highest Scoring German Shepherd

Novice A 2nd Leg
February 20th, 2005
Highest Scoring German Shepherd

Novice A 3rd Leg
March 26th, 2005
No Awards For Specific Breeds





This certificate was given to us by Broadlawn Manor assisted living for consistent volunteer work. We visit Broadlawn Manor with Arko our TDI certified dog.



































June 17th 2006 | Local News
ABC News Home > Good Morning America

Bob Conklin, Xano & Harry Lozada demonstrates what not to do when a dog is attacking you. (ABCNEWS.com)

How to Protect Yourself in a Dog Attack

Running Away Is the Wrong Response


June 17, 2006 — Last week, a pair of loose pit bulls charged into a San Fernando, Calif., school, chasing students into a restroom and attacking an 11-year-old girl. She's going to be okay, but she's just one of 4.7 million people who'll be bitten by dogs this year. Bob Conklin, a professional dog trainer and owner of the Hudson Valley K9 Academy, and his assistant Harry Lozada, owner of USA K9, appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America Weekend Edition" with a Hudson Valley K9 Academy Czech Bred German Shepherd patrol dog (Xano), to give advice on how to protect yourself or your child from a dog attack.

What Not to Do

Take flight. Don't run away from the dog, because it triggers the dog's prey drive. Once that happens, the dog will want to turn and chase you.
If the dog catches you and starts attacking, don't hit it. The more you fight back, the more the struggle feeds into the dog's defensive drives and the more he wants to kill that prey and take it home.

What to Do

If you are approached by a vicious dog, relax and be as still as possible. Drop your head so you don't make eye contact, but maintain an upright position.
Cover you ears and press your elbows to your sides. This way, if the dog bites you, your ears, eyes, rib cage and vital organs are protected.
If the dog grabs your arm or your leg, try to remain motionless. If the dog thinks you're dead, it should let go of you.

How to Rescue a Child

Grab an object and start hitting the dog so you can redirect it. You can also grab the dog's "scruff" — the area on the sides of the dog's neck. This should control the dog's head and keep it from swinging around to bite you. You can go one step further and grab the dog's Adam's apple and choke him.
Do not pull the dog off the child. That can rip the skin right off the child.





July 16th 2006 | Guest Appearance

More dogs and more action at the 2006 Woodbury Park & recreation demo!

Socialization with the dogs is a must. Sound breeding and solid training is a key part of HVK9’s superior dogs.

During the set up children gathered all around Kilo, Xano Arko & Eros. This is Eros 1st trip to the park. The children got to pet, hug, sit around and play with the dogs for about an hour.

The demo started with Bob informing the crowd about the dogs and training. While Bob narrated, Harry demonstrated Arko’s obedience on and off leash followed by Arko retrieving a dumbbell on a flat surface. Arko then retrieved the dumbbell over a wall jump. He returned over the wall and sat in front of Harry waiting with the dumbbell in his mouth. Harry and Arko finished with Harry shooting Arko and the children bringing him back to life by yelling “I LOVE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES”.

For part two, Bob demonstrated Kilo and Xano’s protection work. These are the same dogs the children where hanging all over.

Kilos protection work included on leash guarding Bob, off leash protecting Bob when Harry attacked him, send outs when Harry tried to run away, and finished with showing how clear Kilo is by sending Harry running between the crowd as Kilo apprehended him.

Xano’s protection work included much of the work Kilo performed but with serious intensity. It’s business with Kilo and personal with Xano. To show the dogs are not sleeve happy. Harry put down the sleeve and threatened Bob and Xano. With a bite suit on, Harry tried to kick Xano. As you can guess, Xano came forward and got a solid hold on Harry’s leg releasing only on Bobs command.

Everyone had a great time. Special thank to Gilda for the yearly invitation.





















































































AKC Companion Dog Excellent (CDX)

To earn Arko's CDX title, Harry and Arko competed on May 18th 2007 at the Ladies' Kennel Association Of America in Oyster Bay, NY. The Open A Class had 10 competitors. Harry and Arko came in 2nd place with a score of 190 out of 200 on their 1st leg.

Open A 1st Leg
May 18th 2007
No Awards For Specific Breeds

Open A 2nd Leg
February 16th 2008
No Awards For Specific Breeds

Harry and Arko competed on February 16th 2008 at the Staten Island Companion Dog Training Club in Staten Island NY. The Open A Class had 25 competitors. Harry and Arko came in 3rd place with a score of 184.5 out of 200 on their 2nd leg.

This 3rd place ribbons is a good reminder of how training never stops. Like any race car, athlete, or a person that has specified job, keeping up with training is a must if you want to maintain top results. This 3rd place ribbon was a great win. But, it could have been a 2nd or 1st place. Due to our busy training schedule and some bad weather, we did not get out to train as much as we should have. This is not only a lesson for us, but for anyone with a dog. If you want your dog to behave and perform its obedience, you must keep them tuned. Tuning your dog could be going back for brush up classes. It can also be training on your own with the training that you used to create your dog when you 1st got them. You never stop thinking. Neither does your dog.

Open A 3rd Leg
May 18th 2008
No Awards For Specific Breeds

Harry and Arko competed on May 18th 2008 at the Long Island Kennel Club in Roslyn NY. The Open A Class had 9 competitors. Harry and Arko came in 3rd place with a score of 190 out of 200. This was an improvement of 5 ½ points from the last competition.

Between working, training dogs, home construction, and planning a wedding, Arko and I managed to get some training time in. We took another 3rd place ribbon and scored 5 ½ points higher than our last show. This was the last leg on completing Arko’s CDX title.


Popular Dogs Series Magazine



January 2008 | Congratulations to Christopher Appoldt, Harry, & HVK9 (Bob Conklins) Dog Lexi!

Christopher Appoldt photo of Harry and Lexi is in January’s 2008 edition of Popular Dogs Series Magazine, Volume 16, page 121. This is a full page photo of Harry and Lexi performing a SAR/Tracking scenario under the “WORKING for a living” article.


The Morning Show with
Mike & Juliet







January 23rd 2008 | Harry & Neiko on The The Moning Show with Mike & Juliet

The AKC announced the top 10 most popular dogs for 2007. The German Shepherd was number 3. Harry and Neiko were invited on The Moning Show with Mike & Juliet to represent the German Shepherd breed.


The Morning Show with
Mike & Juliet







September 16th 2008 | Harry & Arko on The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet

Harry and Arko were invited on The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet. A few days prior to this segment, a German Shepherd saved his owners life by dialing 911. This service dog was trained to dial 911 when his owner had a seizure. Mike and Harry discussed and demonstrated training a dog to retrieve a phone or touch a phone to dial 911.







The photos here are from 1996. I was handling baby alligators at a Florida alligator farm.





In 1996 I went Swimming with dolphins in the Bahamas.

Two dolphins are pushing me from my feet.



I Finally got my 1996 Bahama Shark Dive VHS tape put on a CD. This photo was takend during the shark feeding with Stewart Cove.

Sterwart Coves Shark Dive



In 2007 I went on a dog sledding adventure in Alaska.

Our RJ Walsh City Mini

Our Dog Cart





















Dog have a great time going on walks. Unfortunately we cannot keep up with them and spend time training them to walk at our pace. Many dogs get to sprint while playing fetch but don’t get a continuous run. This is why we have a dog powered treadmill. This enables our dog to get a full out continuous run giving the dogs a great mental and physical workout.

Treadmill work is done indoor. Like us, dogs love to performing this kind exercise outside as well as indoors. To enjoy the outside exercise, I started rollerblading with our dog. The problem I have is the speed at which they run. They are running faster than I can skate. With the dogs pulling, skating started to become dangerously fast. I found myself returning to the original problem. I was holding them back.

I needed a way to safely exercise our dogs and keep up with them. The search for an alternative way to exercise our dogs lead to my training in dog carting and sulky work. When performed properly, Dog carting and sulky work builds confidence, mental focus, physical endurance, muscle strength, and physical and mental exhaustion. I have owned trained dogs on dog carts and dog sulkies. I currently own an RJ Walsh City Mini with all of the accessories.

RJ Walsh's City Mini Sulky

Dog Carting




January 22nd 2012 | Harry & Neiko on Channel 12 Connecticut Pet Talk Show with Lauren Collier

Lauren Collier from Channel 12 Connecticut Pet Talk Show invited Harry and Neiko to talk about the advantages of Sulky training.




June 8th 2012 | Harry & Arko on Channel 12 Connecticut Pet Talk Show with Lauren Collier

Lauren Collier from Channel 12 Connecticut Pet Talk Show invited Harry and Arko to talk about the advantages of Dog Orthotics.


May 12th 2012 | We were invited along with Bob Conklin Of HVK9 Academy to the Gardiner Park Dog Run Opening Day.

Bob Iko & Harry Demonstrated Personal Protection, monitored the dog run and answered dog training and behavior questions during the Gardiner Park dog run on opening day.
